Sunday, 9 June 2013

FMP- Experimenting with different Media

For my FMP I am using mix media to show the different textures created when all the layers are flattened. In effect to this I decided to create a4 sheets of mix media to see what materials worked best together and to experiment with composition.
I experimented with print press, creating the name of my title in bold. I did this in black so the typography would stand out and be quite dominant on the page. I found this printing successful because it was blocky and bold, which makes it dynamic, almost as if it is jumping out of that page at you. I created more than one print because it looked unbalance. I like the idea of having a blocky print because it contrasts with the thin linear lines. This process could be successful for my final illustrations but I am going to consider making the text smaller so it doesn't dominate the page as much.
Another material I have experimented with is chalk. I used chalk as it is a messy material which gives it an element of freedom because you don't have total control over the mark making. I used chalk to show a contrast between this material and a finer one. Using chalk creates tone which gives it depth and makes it look 3 dimensional. It also adds a stone like texture.
Using biro created a fine line which contrasts between the thicker materials used. I used biro to highlight certain areas and make them more vibrant. By using biro it shows the flow of movement within the shapes and makes it look organic.
Another material I used was stitch. I decided to use stitching as it is more relevant to fashion and garment making. Using the stitch highlight the area as it was a higher layer than everything else. This created texture and gave it a 3 dimensional depth. I think this worked well because it contrasts with the other flat material I have used.
Watercolour is present in both designs. Using water colour made my designs vibrant and bold because the colours are bright and exciting. I enjoyed using watercolour because I could also create tone to show contrast between shadow and light. I also used it to highlight certain components which also created negative space. Using negative space left a memory or the shape as if it had disappeared or it was a dream.
I think these experimenting sheets have worked well because they have a wide variety of different materials which all work well to create different layers. To develop from this I'm going to consider the composition of each element and which work best together. Also I'm going to consider creating my layers in Photoshop to emphasise the layered effect which I want to achieve.  

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