Saturday, 8 June 2013

Journey- Signs

For my Journey project I have been given the task to choose two topics. For one of my topics I have decided to choose sign because I can experiment with the bold fixed shapes and vibrant colour palette. As I'm looking at signs I have found Celt Abraham who uses signs in his work. In contrast to the meaning of signs he makes them humorous by adding small drawings on the signs. By doing this he takes away the actual meaning and purpose of a sign and it isn't a serious indication anymore. By doing this he creates playful harmless designs, making the area look risk free. From Celt Abraham's work I have been inspired to not use the sign literally but develop and turn it into something else.

 These were the signs I found on my journey. Signs have block, bright colours present on the which makes them vibrant and eye catching to the public. Text is capitalised to show the importance of the message and to emphasise what action needs to be done. In contrast to Celt Abraham's work these signs give off a serious atmosphere as everything is bold and outstanding, where as Celt Abraham turns it into a joke and adds humour to them. There is also a contrast of line with in his work and actual signs. Celt Abrahams work is not as bold as the actual sign itself. This could show that his drawing is harmless and also not to do the action which he has drawn .

After doing my primary and secondary research I was given the task to produce 4 A2 sheets. I decided to have a variety of materials to show experimentation. 
On the sheet I created signs using bright colour ink but making it linear. By making it linear it shows the flow of movement and simplifies the sign. From creating a linear effect all the simple shapes have become dominate which is useful as I can develop these shapes further. If I was going to develop this further I would taking it into ceramics and play around with the size and scale. 
On one I created I used black ink to show the dominate lines and to show tone. By using black it shows the contrast between shadow and light. I also used pencil for shading to give it depth and make it look 3 dimensional.
Comparing my work I think that the ones with colour present work best because I have used the colour to create tone and also to make it vibrant. By using colour is makes it dynamic and exciting.
In comparison to Celt Abrahams work my  designs have the simplicity that his has because of the simple shapes I have use. In contrast his simplicity is with the big impact from the small drawings. They both create an element of uncertainty because they are not read as actual signs anymore. They are read as art.

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