Wednesday, 5 June 2013

FMP-Graffiti in Athens and Sketchbook page

From my recent visit to Athens I was inspired by the graffiti plastered all over the walls. The colours present were vibrant and bursting of the wall like an explosion. I was inspired by the detailed style of the blending and the use of bold colours to create tone,which made the graffiti look 3 dimensional. The style of the graffiti was wild and had no order which made it loud. All the graffiti had been produced on large scale which made it overwhelming and impossible to ignore. The graffiti there was not just typography it was drawings and illustrations which also challenges the idea of graffiti being art. From all these inspirational factors I have decided to incorporate the graffiti into my FMP because I have a lot of components to experiment with such as shape,colour,layering,textures and tone. I am going to take these ideas and develop my own graffiti and also incorporate it into fashion. I am going to create my own prints onto fabric and develop patterns for the Illustrations I am going to produce. Using the graffiti I am going to create illustration on Illustrator using it as patterns for garments and designs for typography.

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